New Glass 500 ml Bottle OLIVA 2023 Winner!
It all started with a sketch hand-drawn by Antonio Gómez Coronado, owner of the company, after dreaming of an unusual bottle shaped like an olive that he had never seen before.
After a process of refinement, study and packaging design, the shape of the OLIVA bottle was born.
Round and integer like an olive, complete with grip points and two olive leaves hanging from its neck, thanks to its sexy and innovative design it has been awarded as the winner of the EUROPEAN PRODUCT DESIGN AWARD 2023
in the Food Packaging: Oils & Spices category.
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International Olive Oil Competition Canada 2021
Bronze Medal
In the year 2021, Sancho Picual and Cornicabra variety has been awarded with a Bronze Medal at the 2021 IOOC Canada International Competition for its unique taste and quality.
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